Think Big, Brand Bigger

the corporate image

The Brand Image is the set of ideas, prejudices, opinions, feelings, and perceptions, acquired in relation to a brand. That is the way in which a company or brand is perceived by consumers

The corporate image can be composed of one or more elements that all fulfill the same function, accentuating the graphics and the strength of the brand. 

The two main categories that make up the brand image would be: on the one hand, the Corporate identity that encompasses all the visual and sensory parts of the brand and, on the other hand, we have the business attitude, which transmits the sensations that are associated with the brand, such as philosophy, mission, vision, values, loyalty, service, integrity, and innovation… something that is obviously much more abstract than the visual part but no less important. 

Based on this, I help clarify and specify the client’s purpose through a personalized study to create a solid image. A personal and unique visual identity that is consistent with the philosophy, values, and nature of your brand

The corporate image

The logo is the face of your brand, while the corporate image is the personality of your brand. Seen this way, the logo is an essential and immovable part of the brand.