There are many ways to get to know your ideal client, but for me, the best has been, so far, the actual experience. Knowing your ideal client’s life, being able to talk to them, listen to them, and empathize with them, was definitely the best way for me. But this is also the longest.
Of all the clients you’ll get, some will be perfect and some won’t. In my experience, I’ve learned that I shouldn’t, and I don’t want to work with those who don’t fit my ideal customer profile. Because it will bring nothing but trouble. Instead, I sign any deal with my best client. The great thing about working with this kind of customer is that the relationship is fluid and harmonious. You are related to values and philosophy in life. You have the same perspective. And it all goes pink! As my corporate color! I invite you, if you haven’t already, to read the post about my brand colors, as it is a much more intimate and personal post but so full of meaning!
2025© Branding and Creativity